The right web design tools can improve your workflow by helping you work smarter, not harder and more efficiently. After all, you want to put your energy into solving problems, making users happy, and creating beautiful designs. You don't want to waste it on boring, repetitive and emotional tasks. Fortunately, new web design tools are constantly being released to help you streamline processes and reduce time and effort, primarily in user interface design. Here we take a look at 29 great web design tools for this year and beyond that will help you become more productive. Some single out new species; Others have been around for some time. But all of them can save you time, energy and budget on your web design projects.
Sketch is rapidly replacing Photoshop as the go-to interface design tool. Let's start with the most obvious. Yes, we all know we've heard of Sketch - Bohemian Coding's vector user interface design utility - but, oddly enough, many web designers still rely on Photoshop for user interface design (and this is despite the release of Adobe XD , a tool -prototype). and Adobe framework, one of the new additions to Creative Cloud ). Rory Berry, Creative Director of Superrb , rightly believes that using Photoshop for web design is a mistake. He switched to Sketch in 2017 and highly recommends it. “Because he's been using Photoshop for over 10 years, it's hard for him to change and learn new things,” he says. “But after the first day of using Sketch, there was no going back. I've completely changed." He offers a number of reasons. “Compared to Photoshop, it’s much easier to sort through all the documents and make changes in Sketch,” he began. “Sketch contains small documents, Photoshop contains large documents. Because it's a vector application, the file sizes are much smaller than Photoshop's." And that is not all. “Sketch's built-in grid system is excellent and greatly simplifies user interface design. I think the overall UI and minimal feel makes it much cleaner and easier to use. Photoshop looks very complex by comparison." He adds that the Sketch community offers hundreds of plug- ins to make the job of designers easier and easier. “Basically, there is a plug-in for everything, if you can get it. Photoshop/Lightroom are still our choice for photo editing, but Sketch is the absolute winner for web design."
Adobe XD Sketch Competitor has a lightweight interface that makes it easy to concept and prototype. The Adobe XD vector design tool and framework is getting better, and it was announced this year at Adobe MAX that it will now include audio templates . XD includes drawing tools, tools for defining non-static interactions, laptop and computer previews, and shareware for design notes. This allows you to select a device-specific mounting plate size to start a project, and you can even import a common UI kit like Google Material Design. Among his admirers is André Robu , design director at Robu Studio in Barcelona. "XD hasn't replaced Sketch yet, but it's great for fast formats," he says. “It's a very lightweight interface, it's loaded with a lot of images, and it's great for clay palettes. Prototypes are very useful for demonstrating to clients how things work, especially since you can put content online instantly. I also like the ability to copy and paste." from other Adobe programs." More importantly, Adobe XD integrates with the rest of Creative Cloud. Also advised by Alice Rogers, graphic designer at Receptional Ltd. "Sketch is great for web developers because you're working with values in software that's built specifically for web and app development," he says. “But the biggest limitation for me was that it was only available on Mac, which made it difficult for web developers/designers to share Sketch files for web developers/designers who don’t use OS X. And exposing Sketch files for development meant software/additional conversions or working with flat JPGs, which caused a lot of restrictions. As a user of Photoshop and Illustrator, the Adobe XD user interface was familiar, he adds, so there was no real learning to use it. "After several weeks of testing, this is the only tool I use for all my web design, app design, prototyping and frameworks." Rogers also commends XD's ability to use Adobe libraries to quickly import any assets from Photoshop or Illustrator, as it speeds up collaborative projects. “Working with UI/UX designers and illustrators simplifies the process,” he says. Once a project/prototype or framework is complete, Adobe XD allows you to very quickly select elements and create page transitions for a working prototype, which you can share via a link. This link also allows you to collect feedback on each page, keeping it organized. . The link can be updated in Adobe XD so that the customer can always see the latest version without having to worry about wrong versions; pure joy at work.
With Figma, you can design, model, and collect real-time feedback with other designers. Figma is a front-end design tool that allows multiple designers to work together in real time. It's available in the browser or on Windows, Mac, or Linux, and there are both free and paid versions, depending on how you use it. Here are some of its great features: UI Designer Benjamin Reed explains, "Figma has the same USP benefits as Sketch, except it's cross-platform." “I recently used it to create two icons for an article we're publishing on our site and found the workflow to be incredibly smooth. It didn't take long to learn, and I had the added benefit of collaborating - you can apply graphics with others in the app. . " "I've been trying to switch to Linux for my work, and sometimes we use Windows, so Figma makes sense to me from a practical standpoint," he adds. "In comparison, I found that many tools for other platforms were inadequate." Freelance writer and artist David Eastwood also speaks highly of figma. “It has also been a very useful tool when we needed to quickly test MVT, sometimes small additions to an existing layout. We love that you can quickly create designs for computers, tablets, and mobile devices."
A design revolution: Optimized for the latest technologies on Mac, Windows and iPad, Affinity Designer sets a new industry standard in the design world. Best in class for creating concept art, typography, logos, icons, UI design, layouts and more, it's the best choice for thousands of professional illustrators, web designers, game developers and other designers who love a silky combination like vectors and other designers. . mesh design tools.
Like all updates, it is free to download for current app owners. If you don't already have the software, you can get a ten-day free trial to try it out for yourself.
Anime.js (/æn.ə.meɪ/) is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple yet powerful API. Works with CSS, SVG, DOM properties and JavaScript objects.
This icon defines the objects you want to animate and the animation features. The API allows you to select elements using CSS selectors, DOM elements, or even JavaScript objects. Author Julian Garnier has provided a CodePen that shows what the library is capable of, as well as exemplary documentation on GitHub .
Avocode helps you tag websites or software with Photoshop or Sketch projects. Avocode makes it easy for UI developers to code websites or apps using Photoshop or Sketch designs. It was created by the same team that provided us with CSS Hat and PNG Hat, so it's no wonder they've taken the export process a step further. While previous programs let you export assets, what makes Avocode really special is that you can use a Photoshop plugin to sync your PSD to Avocode with just one click. Avocode parses your PSD or Sketch file quickly and automatically, adding it all to a beautifully designed interface. After that, you will have full control over the resource export, including the standard SVG export. You can also click on elements in the design, copy and paste the code into any text editor of your choice. “It gives users everything they need to code: design previews and access to all levels and export assets,” said Vu Hoang An, co-founder of Avocode. “The best part is that developers don't need Photoshop or Sketch at all. The current workflow is really bad, which is why we created Avocode." We are not sure that any application can duplicate a developer. But we know many designers who enjoy using it to turn PSD and Sketch files into interactive designs that can then form the basis of a website. It costs from $14 per month.
Zeplin translates Photoshop or Sketch files into a free Mac, Windows or web app. Do you think handing over design resources to developers can be a problem? James Steve definitely knows. "They don't always use the same software," he notes, "so these Photoshop formats with layers and annotations end up as flat files, and things inevitably get lost in translation." Zeplin makes this painful process easier by translating Photoshop or Sketch files into a free app for Mac, Windows, or the web. “The best part is that Zeplin provides a quick guide to the colors, sizes, and fonts of your projects,” Steef says. “He even creates a CSS and style guide. I found that Zeplin saves a lot of time and my fellow developers love it too.”
Model laboratory based on atomic design Pattern Lab is an amazing pattern-based design tool created by Dave Eisen and Brad Frost. It is based on the concept of atomic design , which requires you to break your design down into smaller pieces - atoms - and combine them to form larger reusable components - molecules and objects - which can then be turned into usable models. While it's essentially a static website builder that switches between UI components, Pattern Lab offers a lot more. They are linguistic and active agnostics. It allows you to stack UI templates and design them with dynamic data; Includes tool-sized tools to ensure the design system is fully responsive; And it's fully expandable, so you can be sure it will expand to suit your needs.
Sometimes the best tool can be as simple as a new browser. Vivaldi is a fast and easy-to-use web browser for advanced users, created by some of the people who started Opera. Called "The Browser of Our Friends", Vivaldi was built using web technologies: JavaScript and React were used to create the user interface, as well as Node.js and several NPM modules. Vivaldi is the most customizable browser, offering other cool features like command line control, notebook, cover and panels, and websites that let you put all your favorite sites in one place for easy access.
Canva is a popular tool for quickly creating social media images and infographics. Want to quickly and easily create something like an infographic? So Lawrence Harmer, founder of Solve Web Media , suggested using Canva . These are free browser-based tools that designers and non-designers use to create graphics for both print and the web. “Canva is very good at creating beautiful images,” says Harmer. “Images are the window to the soul of your website and social media, so this tool can be the key to success.”
Easily create web design proposals with this free tool Beewits has a good set of tools to make the business side of web design easier, like a web design category generator and an hourly rate calculator . Now in 2018, another fantastic free app has been released, the obscure web design suggestion tool . “Essentially, it’s a simple suggest tool that makes it quick and easy to create an impression,” explains David Attard of Beewits. "It's a glorified form that lets you insert and edit locked text and then create a Word document ready to be sent directly to a client." Also, you can import your own text without using a template. When you sign up for a free service, you can save the current version so that next time you already fill in a number of fields with your data. It's simple, but it does the job.
Quickly and easily test any website technology Here is another great simple browser tool. Enter any website URL for this Chrome extension and it will allow you to view the technology stack. It's fast, smooth, and reliable, covers over 40,000 products, and boasts accurate and complete data. “We created this extension to make it easier to access this data,” its creators say, “while protecting your privacy and performing all operations on our servers so that it does not slow down your browsing.”
The new tool allows you to create websites right in CodePen. Founded in 2012 by Alex Vasquez, Tim Sabat, and Chris Coyier, CodePen has grown into the web's largest and most active community for testing and demonstrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tools. For the past five years, I have worked as an online code editor and open source learning environment where developers can create code snippets (“pens”), test them, and get feedback.
CodePen recently took another big step forward with the launch of the CodePen Projects Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which lets you build websites in the browser. You can drag and drop files from your site, organize them into tabs, and view your site as it was created. There are templates to help you build websites faster than you want, as well as built-in debugging tools. Note that although it works similarly to the pen editor, CodePen Projects does not replace the latter, but adjoins it. You can learn more about CodePen projects in this blog .
98%. Bootstrap (the most popular HTML, CSS and JS Bootstrap library)
My old favorite Bootstrap has some powerful new updates Bootstrap is definitely not a new tool. But it has revolutionized development, and there is no doubt that the overall framework will continue to shape how we make content online. Each update also includes a complete overhaul of the tool. As for the latest version, the team says:
Using Bootstrap 4, we rewrote the design with two major architectural changes: moving to Sass and moving to flexbox CSS. Our goal is to help the web development community move forward in small ways with new CSS features, fewer dependencies, and new technologies in modern browsers.
ally.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies certain accessibility features, functions, and behaviors. However, simply loading ally.js will not automatically make the web app available. The library provides some of the standard functionality that the web platform should have provided, so JavaScript implementations can be more intuitive. ally.js has been tested on IE9+, Firefox, Chrome and Safari 9, as well as mobile Chrome on Android 5.1 and Safari for iOS 9. A list of web development tools would not be complete without at least one login tool. Accessibility is an often overlooked aspect of design and development, and ally.js can make things easier for you. Now a stable product, ally.js is a JS library that gives you superior control over on-focus and out-of-focus elements. Например, с помощью API вы можете предотвратить выделение элементов из модального окна до тех пор, пока форма не будет закрыта. Это больше, чем компонент, это изображения, которые может использовать камера. Две іншыя магутныя функции - гэта магчімасть значаць, якім чанам змяніўся фокус (клавіятура, мыші и г.д.) и кали элемент фокусуецца и фізічна бачны на экране (гэта можа дапамагчы пазбегнуць пракруткі старонак).
Tik Nugget дает вам лучший контроль над навигацией Коснитесь совпадений Nugget. Это бесплатная версия функции данных для барбекю ў, которая работает в онлайн-инструменте, Подтверждает необходимые меры для регулярного использования, позволяет помочь в работе. Панэль дает выбор памер шрыфта, вагу, стиль, колер, інтэрвал паміж літарамі, афармленне тэксту и много иншае для разных аспектов старонки (глабальные стили, загаловки, абзацы, спасыки и списы HTML). Это хорошая версия системы «Код состояния» и хорошая версия системы «Код состояния». Если вы хотите удалить настройки CSS в папке, вы можете указать количество символов, которые вы хотите добавить друг к другу
Используйте последние версии для iOS 12 с Apple ARKit 2 Дапоўненая раальнасць - спалучэнне лічбавых аб'ектаў і інфармациіі с навакольным асяроддземем - гэта прастора, яяя зараз выклікае вялікі ажыятаж у супольнастці расцоўщыкаў вэб и пркладанняў. Для платформы Apple нет версии для ARKit, она может быть доступна для И для iPhone и iPad для 1. Если вы можете установить ее, установите iOS 11–12 и используйте Xcode, это также распространенный SDK. Убедитесь, что ARKit отсутствует .
Не можете использовать JavaScript? Vue.js доступен для вас Это не новая версия использования JavaScript? Vue.js, как и React, — это надежное устройство для передачи голоса и фильмов. Если у вас было прошлое, Vue помог найти хорошее совпадение. Подтвердить на карте, работать в Vue, запросить карту в институте Мы пачнем з HTML: Используя карточки, используемые на v-on, создайте сообщение об отмене метода. JavaScript это: Если вы получили сообщение, это сообщение и металлическое обратное сообщение. Вуе выдатна выходзіць для тех, хто мэнш дасведчаны са складаными бібліятэкамі, але таксама май шэраг убудоў, якія дапамогуць упрацоўцы складаных аднастаронкавых вэб-прикладанняў.
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